Boiserie is “decorated, carved or painted wood panelling on the internal walls of a room”.

Creative, technical and production ability are the prerequisites for Boiseries.
Creativity is essential for a unique product, designed to meet the needs of the project, but also able to transmit harmony and good taste in the composition of the geometry, the choice of decoration and the combination of materials making up the product.
Technique, or the method used to develop the concept, begins with an initial detailed survey of the room to be panelled. Once the information relating to the area of destination has been gathered, the project is developed with detailed technical drawings and sampling aimed at resolving any construction difficulties.
Production, with the selection of the most skilled workers, the choice of materials best suited in terms of technical and aesthetic features, trial assembly in the workshop, meticulous attention to finishes and installation assistance.

Boiserie is like a bespoke suit – S&L carries out the production process with meticulous care and professionalism to ensure an optimal result, and has all the skills necessary to satisfy every request with a fair quality/cost ratio.